VOX tips

Making a successful on-screen appearance

You and your work are going to be the subject of a two-minute video that will feature on your employer’s website and probably on YouTube.

What can you do to get ready?

  • Decide on the two or three key points you want to get across
  • Choose a small number of striking facts, examples or anecdotes to back them up
  • Don’t write a script, but do practise communicating your points clearly and concisely
  • Rehearse out loud, with an audience (even if it’s only one or two people)
  • Get their feedback on what you say and how you say it
  • If they spot jargon or waffle, strip it out; if they say you gabble, slow down
  • Consider how you’ll adapt your style and gestures according to whether you’re filmed in close-up or at some distance

When you’re on camera

  • Watch your posture and body language – no crossed arms or fidgeting
  • Vary your vocal tone
  • Put energy and passion into your delivery
  • If it’s an interview, ignore the camera and maintain eye contact with the interviewer
  • If it’s a piece to camera, look into the lens; think of it as something you can relate to
  • Unlock your hands and allow yourself to gesture naturally – preferably within frame
  • If it’s a TV interview, keep your answers brief and stay calm

Be true to yourself

The last thing you want to do on camera is turn into an automaton – even a slick one. You’re far more likely to make a connection with viewers if they feel you’re a real person rather than someone who’s been groomed and spun.